When you do not come into contact with heat transfer machine, heat transfer machine may not know what it was like . Now you almost always use online shopping , but how to know if you can use it for heat transfer machine ? Here vesub teach you how to buy a new heat press machine checks can be used.

1, the general heat press machine heavier than sellers are Logistics , the logistics are generally required to pick up the own . In logistics companies do not rush to pick up heat press machine directly to get away, first check whether there is damage to the heat transfer machine box , if there is damage to the requirements of the logistics company personnel open the package check if any damaged parts , if there is bad , please immediately ask the logistics company guarantee to pay compensations . So once found the appearance of damage must be in front of their face inspection. In this remind you , vesub ensure the goods are sent intact , if you open the case after the receipt of the goods found problems , please find a logistics company and then consult with our company .

2 , to take back the goods after the machine out on the table , check the appearance there is no damage .

3, due to the higher voltage required heat transfer machine , buy a dedicated air-conditioning outlet , connect the power, heat press machine heat transfer machine and the power cord into the electrical outlet .

4 , turn on the power switch, see the power switch light is on , while watching the thermostat indicator light . If the power is off , please check the fuse in the fuse holder is broken or no contact is good.

5, for swing away heat press machine, please go back and forth a wide range of temperature control knob to see whether the red or green light . Heat press machine for candy bar machine according to the hundreds digit is cleared, the ten-digit tune in or out , the concept of light in 5 seconds to check whether there are changes within the means , the concept of the instructions to check whether the needle temperature balance adjustment changes in your If not normal , please contact us .

6 , will be transferred to a second time controller , pressure pressure bar , listening to loud there is no beep . If you do not see the last sentence .

7, the heat transfer machine temperature to slightly above room temperature , 1 minute after touching the heating plate is hot , if fever , indicating that heat transfer machine work is normal.

Check the heat transfer machine considerations:

1 , heat press machine power switch is most likely to damage , the switch generally at a local electronics stores have to sell , the price is usually around $3 .

2, the company issued equipment is issued after proven , there is no problem , and a single problem with bumps on the transport process . So you unplug the power supply first , swing away heat press machine to open the machine screw top , Flat clamshell press open behind the screws, open the case , all the screws tight one will be on it.

These are about how to buy a new heat press machine checks can be used, there does not comply with the above description where you can consult vesub sublimation online customer service .