Vesub Sublimation for the relevant operation method introduce you to 3D press machine

With the rapid development of the market to demand more and more high printing products,in a demand driven,some high-tech 3D press machine is currently continuing flow of the market,
changing our life, but able to skillfully operate 3d heat press machine are especially less.In order to let more people learn how to operate, related operation method now we learn 3D press machine! The operation method of 3D press machine 1, the direct pressure handle is pulled up, the heating plate is fully open. Plug in the power, turn on the power switch, indicator light; Note: because the machine power is higher, the protective earth conductor must have a suitable and reliable!! 2, when the temperature reaches the set value, the machine will automatically enter a state of constant temperature; 3, adjust the timer knob, transferred to the appropriate time to 10 seconds(the length of time depending on the different material and decide); 4, Regulation temperature: press "+" or "-" key setting temperature,press the "+" button, increasing the temperature of the set value,according to the "-" key, reduce the temperature setpoint. 5, time, buzzer sound, then the pressure on the handle, remove the transferred material such as clothing, torn off at the end of paper. 6, the transfer of items such as clothing and flat on the substrate table, picture and then fold to transfer, the pressure handle is pressed down; note: the pressure is not too large, otherwise it will cause a pressure handle deformation! Must first adjust the pressure. 7, baking sheet metal temperature at 170-200 ℃, time 20-40 seconds; baked porcelain temperature 200-220 ℃, time 120-150 seconds; bake fabric temperature at 120-140 ℃, time 5-10 seconds. Through the above explanation I believe you on 3D press machine have a think,want to understand the operation method for more.Please continue to pay attention to  Vesub Sublimation,we will provide you with more high-quality service..
